
Open Ladakh’s retreats are mainly based on donations. All retreats taking place at Dhamma House are solely based on donations. When you visit Dhamma House there is no expectation of donations and guests themselves decide if they wish to donate or not, and if so, how much. There are no fixed rates or prices for staying at Dhamma House. You can stay as long as you want with basic living support from this warm & lovely Dhamma family.

Some retreats offered by Open Ladakh can have a fixed price rate, for instance trekking retreats, sightseeing or lectures/teachings. These predefined rates are only to cover the basic cost and expenses and can be accompanied by further donations, if the guest/participant so desires.

Donation via bank transfer:

Name: Open Ladakh
Bank: State bank of India, Leh branch
A/c. No: 30582771704
Type: Current A/c
Swift code: SBININBB280

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